Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Home Seller Tips: Who, What and Why?

I want to sell your Viera, Florida home.  But before you hire me to sell your Viera, Florida home I must pass your test - the real estate agent interview.

Just a quick word or two on the real estate agent interview...

I recommend you interview at least three real estate agents.  I also want you interview me last.  Why do I want to be last?   So you can ask me those lingering questions that may remain.  So you will have a reference by which to judge my marketing plan and recommendations.

As a seller there are several things I need to know to move forward with selling your Viera, Florida home.  These are some of the important preliminary questions to expect when you call me to sell your Viera, Florida home.

First, the "Who."

If you are selling your Viera, Florida home I want to know the answer.  I need to be confident you are the person on the title or, if not that person, are an individual with the authority to sell the property.   And if you are married this "Who are you" approach will apply to both parties.

I also want to know the "Why." 

It is important to know the circumstances of the sale (mortgage(s), pay-off estimates, etc.)  Are the mortgage payments current or is there a potential foreclosure looming?  Is this a possible short sale?  Is this an estate sale?  Are there probate proceedings in progress?

"What" are your goals?
This partially touches on the "Why" question above.  What is your time frame?  Will you be relocating or purchasing another house or condo in the area?  Will you need the proceeds from the sale to move forward?  What do you expect to walk away with?  What, if anything, is wrong with your house?   What do you think your house is worth?

With most of the answers above I can go forward with a presentation and marketing plan that addresses your needs and desires.

By the way, I have intentionally left the question about your home's worth last because all the other answers will build upon that answer.

Do this before hiring your real estate agent.
What sellers want to know about selling their home.
Finding an agent: It is not how many listings have you had!
Who sets the selling price? 
Is it necessary to hire the biggest real estate company to sell your home?

When your are ready to sell your Viera, Florida home, please give me a call at 321-693-3850.

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at